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Divide exercise further into two categories

For our purposes, let's divide exercise further into two categories: aerobic exercise and strength training. Aerobic exercise is activity in which the body's large muscle groups move in a rhythmic manner for a period of time. Examples of aerobic exercises would be walking, running, or cycling, and it's one of the best ways to improve overall physical health YICHANG Gloves.

That being said, aerobic exercise won't get us the maximum benefit alone; for that, we need to add some strength training into our routine. While strength training is often associated with lifting weights, it certainly doesn't have to include those. Squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and the like are all examples of strength training exercises that don't involve any equipment other than your body. When it comes to physical activity, the question I am always asked first is,

How much do you need to move to achieve optimal health?

While the specific answer varies from person to person, for the purposes of this book, it makes sense to stick to the simplest guidelines that are sure to benefit most everyone for health and healing, and those are outlined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services: 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week (anything that gets your heart beating faster counts) And muscle-strengthening activity at least two days each week5 For aerobic exercise, the physical activities we described as play can go a long way toward meeting our needs here. Hiking, walking briskly, and dancing are all examples of that. The time allotment toward aerobic activity is directly connected to the level of intensity—light, moderate, or vigorous. The “talk test” is the simplest way to assign intensity. As your heart rate and oxygen needs go up, it gets harder to talk or sing Vinyl Gloves.

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