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  • 作家相片jian lan

Get Ready to Play your life

The first step to transforming your life through physical activity is less about your body and more about your mind. I'd like you to change your mindset away from thinking about movement as a chore or something you need to do to improve or maintain your physical appearance and begin to think about it like play. In my first discussions with my patients, I often ask them to remember their favorite activities from the past, such as biking, dancing, or playing catch with a family member. In this way, we see if we can add some play-like activities to our movement routine.

If swimming laps or running on a treadmill feels like unpleasant work, how about walking or hiking outdoors or learning to golf? With this shift in mindset Disposable Gloves Wholesale, all of a sudden you get to choose from so many fun, playful activities that also happen to meet your movement goals, and this can help make whatever you do more sustainable and consistent as well. On my Sunday walks or runs, I often see a large group of men in their forties playing soccer at the park.

Those guys aren't getting together to meet their doctor's physical activity guidelines; they just enjoy soccer and want to play Synthetic Gloves, play, play. In my eyes, however, they're also reducing their risk of heart disease, diabetes, and myriad other physical illnesses!

What I have also found is that when it comes to a mindset shift, this is a process that takes time and practice, trial and error, until you find activities that work for you. I know that some of you reading this have spent many years holding on to your current beliefs about physical activity and exercise. Commit to redirecting your thoughts until you get used to the idea that movement can be fun and that you can actually enjoy the benefits it brings.

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